Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Assignment #1 - Web Tool Exploration

For your course long project you will be creating your own set of technology tools for a future classroom. In order to begin, you will need to choose a platform for your classroom website where you will post the rest of your assignments.

Next week, you will present a sample group website to the class along with your reflections on the process.

  1. Divide into 3 groups
  2. Each group chooses one of the following to create a sample website:
    1. http://www.ning.com/
  3. Amanda's Group
    1. http://sites.google.com/
  4. Tammy's Group
    1. http://pbworks.com/
  5. Ryan's Group
  6. Working together, create a social website about any topic you choose- preferably nothing to do with education!
  7. Requirements-
    1. Have some amount of content- links, pictures, text, anything.
    2. All group members must have their own accounts and add something to the site.
  8. Reflection:
    1. One member of your group, post a comment to this blog post including the following:
a) Link to your site: _________________
b) How could this site work in a classroom?
c) What are the pros of this tool? What are the cons?

You have until 5pm next Wednesday to complete your sample site. You will present your findings as a group to the class!

Do Now- Reading and Response 1/26

1) Check out the right side bar for a link to our course syllabus. You can take a peak at it now, but I will go over it when we're all ready.

2) Weekly blog response- each week I will post a link to an article or blog related to technology in education and ask you a few questions. To respond, leave a comment below. You will need to log in with your google account info.

Go to this blog post: Adventures in Pencil Integration

Response Questions:
a) What the heck is he talking about?
b) How does this compare to your own experiences? What concerns do you have or have you heard from others about computers in the classroom?